Answer the following questions based upon the Indiana Right to Work Law. Be sure to organize your answers.
1. To whom does this law apply?
2. What does the “Right to Work” law actually provide? (what does it allow or prohibit). While it is appropriate to cite the section(s) you use to answer this, be sure to present your answer in your own words to demonstrate your understanding
3. The remedies provided in IC 22-6-6-12 are quite powerful. Choose one of the remedies and explain why it would be a strong deterrent to violate this law.
4. Do you think the law’s “title” is reflective of its content? Is it really about the “right to work”? Explain.
5. Read Human Resource Dilemma Number 2 highlighted below:
Answer the question posed and explain whether the answer would vary from a “right to work state” and a state that does not have a right to work law?
Must site APA 7th edition.
Textbook reference information for Human Resource Dilemma reference is:
Moran, J. (6th Edition). Employment Law: New Challenges in the Business
Environment. Pearson Education (2014).
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