write out your speech in full sentences, following the organization noted in the outline, with correct grammar and punctuation using this outline: Wedding Toast /Outline Your Name: Jazmine Jones Wedding Speech Specific Purpose Statement: Celebrating the union of my friend and her soulmate acknowledging and honoring their love and my love for them in front of family and friends. Here’s the details on what you’ll need to do if you are giving a Wedding Toast: ● Context: Pretend that you are giving a wedding toast at a formal function. ● The italicized information in the outline notes some of the required content. Wedding Toast Outline REPLACE all italicized words with your speech. KEEP the bolded words (you won’t read the bolded words when giving the speech). Once you write your speech in this outline, THIS is the manuscript that you will turn in for the speech. I. Introduction (about 18-24 seconds in length) A. Attention Getter: Write out word for word what you will say to grab the audience’s attention. Follow guidelines for appropriate attention getters. B. Credibility: Share your connection with the person you are toasting (follow credibility guidelines) and create identification with the audience (see teaching video on how to create audience identification). C. Thesis: State a short/concise thesis that highlights your theme for the speech. D. Preview: Preview what you will be stating in the body of the speech. [Transition: Use a word or phrase to signal that you’re about to start the body of the speech. Use a phrase like “To get started…” “First, …” “Let’s first consider ….” II. Body Point 1 (about 3 minutes in length) A. Thank the Host: Thank the hosts for having you and others at the event. Note something special about the event to highlight their hospitality. Here or in the next part of the speech, make sure to use your quote/source. You can write out how you want to orally cite the source – For example, Brene Brown in 2020 said ….. Also, be sure to write an APA citation for that quote (Brown, 2020). See our Readings and Resources for more information on how to do an APA citation. B. Story: Tell a story about the bride or groom or both. It should align with your theme for the speech. [Transition: Signal the ending by saying something like “In conclusion”, “Finally”, or “Let’s wrap up.”] III. Conclusion (about 15 seconds in length) A. Restate the Thesis: Say the same thesis you said in the introduction here. B. Summarize: Briefly, summarize the body of the speech. C. End with Finality (Memorably): Say a statement that memorably ends the speech (NOT Thank you). References Here you will write out the APA citation for your source/quote. You’ll need to follow APA guidelines for formatting of that source. See our Readings and Resources for the week for helpful information.
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