An explanation of the facts of the case (this should be brief, no more than a p

An explanation of the facts of the case (this should be brief, no more than a page) (35%)
Historical & Social Background – The paper should explain the conditions that led to the adoption of the law or constitutional provisions involved in your case.  It should provide historical, economic, political, and/or psychological other data about the extent and effects of the of the discrimination involved.  It should also include information about other social actions (such as protest movements) that have attempted to combat the form of discrimination involved. (40%)
Legal Provisions Involved – The paper should explain the specific legal provisions involved.  This should discuss what the law or constitutional provision contains, and should explain what the plaintiff would need to prove to win their case. It should also discuss any previous significant Supreme Court decisions related to the issue. (35%)
Your analysis of whether the case was decided correctly (if it’s been decided) or how it should be decided (if it hasn’t yet been decided).  (10%)
The quality of your writing is also a factor (10%)
feedback on draft: touch on the effect on society

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