OPTION 1 TAKE-HOME Written Assignment- The Bystander Moment and the Prevention of Sexual Assault
for this assignment:
After watching the video documentary, answer the following questions.
Treat the questions like short answer questions on an exam so keep it short, clear with enough detail and coherent.
Use the point value for each answer to give you an idea of the length of the answer and the number of main ideas in your answer.
Length: 700 to 800 words in total.
1- Explain how “The Bystander Effect”, is different when people don’t act in the face of violence or distress compared to why people, particularly men, don’t act when they witness sexual harassment and assault? Your answer should include 2 points of comparison. (4 points)
2- What is a “perpetrator-victim binary” in the context of sexual assault prevention? And explain two major limitations to its effectiveness as a prevention model. (Also can consult pages 465 to 466 of textbook) (6 points)
3- A) Describe the focus of the MVP “Bystander Intervention” model and B) why Katz believes it is the most effective strategy of preventing sexual assault and abuse. Use the Gender Violence Pyramid in your description and provide at least two specific examples within that pyramid to illustrate your answer. In other words, what is it that Katz is asking us to do? (8 points)
4- Based on your personal opinion, what do you think of this model? Name a strength and a weakness. (2 points)
You do not have to cite the video-documentary in a reference list at the end of your paper.
Value: 20%
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