When the proposed thesis or project involves the study of human subjects and/or

When the proposed thesis or project involves the study of human subjects and/or animals, an outside review and approval of the proposed research are required. Once your proposal is approved, you will work closely with your professor as you develop and address your topic.

A formal proposal is due at the end of Week 2. By this time, you would have selected a topic and provided a proposal outline for your thesis or creative project of which must align with your core subject area.
1. Please use the Capstone Manual.
2. The formal proposal must provide a clear and lucid descriiption of a question, project or problem and a proposed method of answering the question, addressing the project or solving the problem.
3. Proposal drafting is considered a learning process and helps you avoid oversights and possible mistakes.
4. Again, guidance on the format of the proposal and a sample proposal are contained in the Capstone Manual provided.
5. The proposal should explain the question, project, or problem to be investigated and convince the professor that the question, project or problem merits investigation. It should show that you have read the relevant and recent literature on the subject and it should contain a list of materials consulted during the preliminary stages of your research or project. In general, the research proposal or project should include background information related to the research topic or project, purpose of the thesis or project, and investigatory procedures to be used.
6. The formal proposal should not exceed five (5) pages (proposal title page not included).
7. When the proposed thesis or project involves the study of human subjects and/or animals, an Institutional Review Board review and approval of the proposed research is required. Please visit
8.Also, review your articles/sources for writing your 25 -page literature review due week eight.

Submission :
Please note: Papers will be automatically added to and checked against the standard Turnitin repositories. Originality reports will be returned to the faculty and student in roughly 15 minutes of the submission. Multiple submissions are allowed.
The attached had the following feedback that needs to be addressed in the proposal. “Overall Feedback
Aziza, you have some really good ideas here and potential for a great study. However, the problem statement is not the research question and should not be noted as such.
The problem statement gives the what, where, how and why of the problem and has sources to support the claim
The topic areas needs some refinement to solidify the direction. If you dont’ focus on the problem now, you will struggle.
Think aobut the problem you want to address, not a symptom of a problem, not an overview to address the problem, the actual problem
Reach out to me in the Chat with Prof discussion.
You have a lot of informatio here, but the focus of this assignment is to get the topic solid, and provide some structure. Don’t try to move ahead as the focus should be on the task for that week and you may lose the focus. ‘
Major Areas to Review
The formal proposal provided a clear and lucid descriiption of a question, project or problem and a proposed method of answering the question, addressing the project or solving the problem. Basically, the proposal should explain the question, project, or problem to be investigated and convince that the question, project or problem merits investigation.
It should show that you have read the relevant and recent literature on the subject and it should contain a list of materials consulted during the preliminary stages of your research or project. In general, the research proposal or project should include background information related to the research topic or project, purpose of the thesis or project, and investigatory procedures to be used.

The formal proposal should not exceed five (5) pages (proposal title page not included). Turnitin will be used to assess originality report and supports attachments only—submit the paper as an attachment with less than 15% originality.

Incorporate all this sections references into one comprehensive list and should be in APA 6th Edition format.
If you had a citation in the body of your work you must have the appropriate reference in the reference section.
You will be strictly held to the APA standards. Proper citations, in format and use as well as proper references must be implemented.
Searching for Literature Reviews: Before You Write, You Have to Find: youtube
Reviewing a Sample Literature Review (Part I): youtube

Writing Format: APA
What is Plagiarism: plagiarism
What is Plagiarism and How to Avoid It: youtube
Purdue Online Writing Lab: purdue
APA and MLA Citation Game Home Page: http://depts.washington.edu/trio/quest/citationapa_mla_citation_game/
APA Game (This will only function correctly on a mobile device or a modern web browser)
Writing Help: thesiscapstone
Grammatical, spelling or punctuation—the writing is grammatically correct, clear and concise. The response is well formulated and easy to read and understand. Correct terminology was used when needed.

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