Assignment Sheet for Final Paper    *Times New Roman ONLY  *Double-Spaced  *12 P

Assignment Sheet for Final Paper 
*Times New Roman ONLY 
*12 Point Font 
*850-1,250 Words (not including the Works Cited page) 
*A minimum of four reliable sources 
*A compelling title 
*For this paper, you will write a Cause essay and organize your paper accordingly.   
A cause paper seeks to find out why and how a problem happened. You are investigating the problem. You are not addressing your feelings about the subject. Example, if you’re attempting to discover the reason why Americans voted for Donald Trump as its president, you are not revealing your feelings about Trump.  
Use this structure: 
A. Present the problem. What is happening right now? Who is involved? Where is the problem occurring? (2-3 paragraphs) 
B. Single sentence paragraph: Ask a question that will guide the paper. 
     Example: “What caused the recent drop in teenage pregnancy?” 
     Example: “What caused the decline in Major League Baseball’s popularity?” 
C. Present your evidence/theory as to what caused the problem. Assemble the evidence. (3-4 paragraphs) 
D. End with the answer to your question in Part B. Consider referring to the question, e.g., “To answer the original question – what caused the budget crisis for the MBTA – it appears that….” (1 paragraph) 
*No informal first-person language. “I, us, we, our, me, you, your,” etc. – this language is forbidden.  
*Do no evaluate the problem or try to fix it. Your job is to simply provide your theory as to what caused it.  
*Use transitions to signal any change in direction that you intend to make from one idea to the next. 
*Open each paragraph with the topic sentence. 

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