PICOT: In the adult inpatient setting how does decreased disturbances/stimuli at night improve quality of sleep during hospital stay greater than one night?
Interest/Population: adult/geriatric inpatient
Intervention/action: decreased stimuli (clumped care, sleep bundles)
Comparison group: those with the normal disturbances and those with the interventions
Outcomes: increased quality sleepIn this assignment you will create a matrix of your selected research articles and write a summary of the findings and gaps related to your project. You will take your PICO(T) question, and the 5 research articles approved by your faculty in Module 3. Using the provided table, you will appraise each article and identify the most important parts of the research, analysis, and findings.
After appraising the articles, you will summarize the evidence by grading the research, and identifying gaps in the literature as well as possible interventions for your project (see grading rubric and examples). This summary should be written in paragraph form with proper APA formatting.
This will serve as the foundation for the work you will do in the Project/Practicum courses. As you work with your preceptor and finalize your capstone project, you will continue to build on this material. This assignment will be graded within 3-4 days of due date, with feedback provided once all grading has been completed.
This assignment enables the learners to meet Course SLO #1, 2, 3, 4
1. Identify your PICO(T) or research question of interest
2. Gather 5 research articles on your topic approved by your faculty: be sure to save them and submit them along with the matrix; please make sure they are PDF documents. Remember you must submit the 5 articles when you submit the matrix.
3. Do not use clinical guidelines or Cochran Reviews, abstracts, future research reports or poster presentations. You can search for research only by indicating “research” when you do an advanced search. If you can’t answer a lot of the questions, it is probably not a research article.
4. We do not recommend that you use more than one qualitative research article, systematic review or meta analysis. These are harder to evaluate because they have so much more information in them. Remember in summary/metaanalysis articles, the ‘participants’ are the individual studies (articles) not individual people. Use the reference list in the systematic reviews or meta analyses to find individual studies that may be easier to use for this assignment.
5. Review sample matrices and summaries
6. Use matrix table provided – one for each article and appraise the article using the rubric
7. Use the Johns Hopkins tool to evaluate and determine the level of evidence and quality for each article. Appendix E 2022 Final_DV.docx Download Appendix E 2022 Final_DV.docx
Appendix D 2022 Final.pdf Download Appendix D 2022 Final.pdf
8. Identify where there are issues with the articles and what gaps were not addressed with the research; be prepared this may change the way you look at your topic or may result in a slightly different direction for your area of interest. This is ok- that is what you want to accomplish with this assignment. It will really assist you as you move forward with your project
9. For this assignment you will turn in the matrix tables, summary, reference page, and pdf copies of your 5 articles. Please note: Once your faculty has approved the articles, these are the ones you need to submit with the matrix. If you want to change articles, please contact your faculty by NKU email to make a switch. Discuss with your faculty if you want to use a DNP project as one of your articles. This may be helpful in some circumstances- check with your faculty prior to using.
10. Some clarification for some common errors seen in this assignment:
1. Level of evidence (LOE): a hierarchical scale/method used to evaluate the level of evidence of the studies. This is described as Level 1 evidence, Level 2 evidence, etc. and is based on the study design – e.g. – an experimental RCT, quasi-experimental, non-experimental/descriptive, etc. See Appendix D 2022 Final-1.pdf Download Appendix D 2022 Final-1.pdf
2. Instrument: What type of instrument or tool was used in the article to Collect their Data? This could be a questionnaire like a depression screening tool, a nurse satisfaction tool, or the like. You should describe the instrument-including how many questions, type of scale/data (a Likert scale, yes/no questions or ?) the instrument’s reliability and validity – Cronbach’s Alpha, or other ways they determined (if any) the reliability and validity of these instruments. See Polit/Beck p. 314 they they discuss reliability and validity of instruments/tools or questionnaire. An example would be Physical and Cognitive Performance Test for Assisted Living Facilities (p. 324 in the box).
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