For this assignment, you are to pick one of the following themes from the book a

For this assignment, you are to pick one of the following themes from the book and analyze what Twain’s novel seems to be saying about it. In addition, use your analysis of this theme in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to either compare or contrast Twain’s work with one other author we are reading in this course. The bulk of your paper should be about Twain’s book, but include at least one page in which you show how the same theme was treated either similarly or significantly differently by one of the other authors. I chose the theme; Morality and ethics. This research project will require detailed original thought, insightful and judicious use of quotations, and proper citation according to APA Style. Remember to narrow the broad topic of the theme you choose into something focused and researchable. Your analysis should be 4-6 pages (not counting the cover page, References page, etc.), double spaced, in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. Please use APA Style for formatting and citation.
NOTE that using general knowledge encyclopedias and summary websites in any format is strictly prohibited. For instance, you may not use or a website similar to, nor should you use LitCharts or Cliffnotes, or any informational sources identical to those websites. Your sources should be from the readings associated with the course as well as academic databases such as JStor.

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