1) Throughout this semester, we explored how policy has historically, (and pres

1) Throughout this semester, we explored how policy has historically, (and presently) been influenced by
personal beliefs, political discourse, religious ideology and the impact it’s had on marginalized
In the Chapter “Leading From Science to Policy to Practice”, of the book entitled: My Quest for Health
Equity: Notes on Learning While Leading by former US Surgeon General David Satcher, one of the
takeaways is: “The dynamic interaction between science, policy and practice is basic to progress to
healthy living”.
Considering that statement and course content, please provide a critically thought out and written
response regarding this country’s commitment (or failure of commitment) to allowing social
welfare policy to be driven by scientific evidence to pursue “healthy living” for its inhabitants.
Since the response is based solely on your opinion, to properly respond to this question, you must
thoroughly defend your position and provide clear examples that are supported by references from the
reading. A good response will consist of at least one full page of narrative. Deductions will be made for
responses that are too brief. (BE CLEAR and SPECIFIC)

Last Completed Projects

topic title academic level Writer delivered
Please read: Complete the following readings: 1-Vito & Higgins (2014). Chapter 1 Senior (4th year) Riley D. 4.8 ★★★★☆ 4 hours 26 min 13 sec ago
Overview For your final course in the Criminal Justice program, you will be expe Junior (3rd year) Nolan Y. 4.5 ★★★★☆ 7 hours 37 min 51 sec ago
  You must FIRST create a post to reply to question 1 and question 2.  After yo Sophomore (2nd year) Tanya F. 4.5 ★★★★☆ 4 hours 44 min 3 sec ago
You are an employee in the Financial Department in a medium sized company. The c Doctoral Uriah G. 4.7 ★★★★☆ 3 hours 35 min 25 sec ago
Follow all instructions provided, APA format, no plagiarism, no grammatical erro Master's Delilah P. 4.6 ★★★★☆ 11 hours 25 min 21 sec ago
 Create a data map that depicts enterprise architecture, data integration, and u Master's Adrian M. 4.9 ★★★★☆ 4 hours 22 min 2 sec ago
Overview Over the past several weeks, Jamal has discovered that abnormal behavio Doctoral Rose C. 4.7 ★★★★☆ 8 hours 23 min 23 sec ago