are attached.
My topic is Mental Health Disorders and Homelessness
for Data Analysis
1. Number all surveys and variables in the survey instrument including
open-ended questions.
2. Write an SPSS data file in to the computer and save it as per the
demonstration given by the instructor and/or video on SPSS.
3. Enter the data from the completed surveys for each case for all
variables ( on SPSS spread sheet rows for different subjects/cases and
columns for different variables of a subject/case).
4. First, you will do univariate analysis (frequency distributions of all
variables in the study).
5. Second, you will attempt a few (4-5) crosstabs by selecting variables
(based on your hypotheses) for analyses.
6. Third, you run correlations among all key variables in your study to
explore inter-correlations. That will generate a correlation matrix.
7. Finally, you will t-test to examine intervention effectiveness (using
pre-and post scores and experimental and control group scores).
8. Please note you will examine all your hypotheses by conducting
statistical analysis.
9. Present the results in the forms of tables and diagrams and interpret
the results. (Check out the details see the outline of the paper).
Outline for the Paper
This is a STAND-ALONE assignment (NOT related to your previous
• It is independent of your research problem. The purpose of this
assignment is to expose you to SPSS data analysis, interpreting
results, discussion and implications.
• This should be completed using one of the data file(s) provided on
the course the Blackboard.
• You must read and use several power point on data analysis and
SPSS Manual prescribed for this course before proceeding to data
analysis. You will do frequency distributions for all variables,
crosstabs for important variables to check out relationships, and
for hypothesis testing.
• Completing all sections of the assignment is required to earn good
grade. Look at the examples for style of writing.
• This assignment has three sections (6-8 pages):
A. Results (4 Pages),
B. discussion (1 Pages)
C. implications (one Page)
• Each these sections are elaborated in the next three slides.
Results of the study (4-5 Pages):
• Present the results in three sections: demographics, bivariate tables
(crosstabs), and hypotheses/research questions.
• Present the results in the form of tables, diagrams, or charts (choose one
format, table, chart or diagram, for each variable).
• Provide an overview of your sample characteristics (in terms of study
variables in data file). You need to present all important results about
different variables in the study. You can present frequency table, chart or
diagram for key/important variables and write a narrative for other
variables. Every table should meet table requirements such as introduction
to the table (written before presenting the table, body (table content in
columns and rows), and interpretation of the table .
• Present at a couple of cross-tables which relate to important research
questions or hypothesis in the data file which I have put down in a separate
• Present the results on every hypothesis and research questions that study
sought to test.
• You must have a cross table (presenting more than two variables
demonstrating a relationship) for every hypothesis tested. Chi Square, ttest, and correlation, F test, and regression. For more information and
explanations refer the resources that I provided.
• You must choose a statistical – And a statistical test is applied to test
• Present the percentages row-wise in the cells of every table.
Discussion and Implications
Discussion of the results from theory building and
how they relate to previous research. (1-2 pages)
• Write a summary of findings and conclusions relating to
• Relate the results to previous studies and current theory or
theories in social work (whatever you could).
• Explain why your results agree or disagree with current social
work theories or literature.
Implications of results for policy and practice (Max. 1
• Discuss how the results apply to social work practice, impact on
the policy (programs and services) for the population of your
study (one page).
• What are implications of these research results for future
Last Completed Projects
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