Project System Analysis and Design Based on the System Development Life Cycle (S

System Analysis and Design
Based on the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases: Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation and Maintenance, form the Employee Attendance and Leave Management System.
Description of ‘Employee Attendance and Leave Management’ System
 Objective:
Create a system to track employee attendance, manage leave requests, and generate reports for payroll and performance evaluation.
 Features:
– Employee registration and profile management.
– Daily attendance tracking with clock-in and clock-out times.
– Leave request submission and approval workflow.
– Leave balance calculation and management.
– Reporting functionality for attendance, leaves, and payroll.

1. Group members should be at least 3 students and at most 4 students.
2. A “leader” is identified for the group to manage the group’s work during work, and the course professor is provided with the names of the group members and the name of the group leader in the next session of receiving the description sheet.
3. It is allowed to assign specific roles for each student within the group and share the work, provided that the project as a whole is shared collectively and all its contents are understood by all the group members.
4. Submission Deadline: 20 November 2024 – 05:00pm.
5. Write your answers in details (Minimum 5 pages)
6. Presentation: All groups should presents their work in English, and all team members should participate in the presentation.
7. Penalties: Presenting others work (including students) as your work, without appropriate references is defined as plagiarism.
 Penalties for late submission (deduction of 10% of the mark for each day).
IS 3611- Systems Analysis & Design – Project, Semester 1 Page: 2 of 2
Coordinator: Dr.Sameh Neji
Project Requirements
1- Determine project data and information by referring to the sources and methods of collecting information and identifying users and roles within the system.
2- Determine project requirements (functional, non-functional).
3- Design forms and reports of the system (take into account the general guidelines for the design of forms and reports).
To represent the system structure and processes, use the:
1. Context diagrams
2. DFD diagrams Level-0
3. DFD Level-1 for minimum 2 processes
4. Use cases diagrams with description for minimum 4 use cases.
5. Activity diagrams for minimum 4 activities
6. Decision table for payroll system with a detailed description (You can add another decisions tables)
– Use Microsoft Visio + Word or any application to create diagrams.
– You should add a paragraph below any figure or table to describe them.
Grading Policy
1. Gathering data
2. Project requirements
3. Designing forms and reports
4. Presentation

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