Barriers And Facilitators To Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions Among Third Sector Organizations Discussion

Barriers And Facilitators To Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions Among Third Sector Organizations Discussion

Barriers to change implementation

Sustainable healthcare quality improvement is critical in enhancing positive patient outcomes as well as ensuring safety among healthcare providers. However, there exist various barriers that prevent sustainable adoption of evidence-based practices which makes some of the implemented projects not to achieve some of the long-term objectives. Some of the common barriers in the sustainable implementation of evidence-based practices include challenges associated with translating evidence-based practices into actual practice as well as poor organizational culture that may not advocate for quality healthcare services from its employees. For implementation of my evidence-based practice, the two barriers that may hinder sustainable change implementation include poor organizational culture and lack of motivation by the nursing staff Barriers And Facilitators To Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions Among Third Sector Organizations Discussion.

Poor organizational culture may be a critical hindrance to the implementation of my evidence base practice because if the organization does not demand for quality healthcare, there will be no motivation to implement projects meant to improve quality healthcare outcomes. Also, failure to provide the necessary resources for the implementation of the evidence-based practice will lead to failure to implement the evidence-based practice (Shayan, Kiwanuka & Nakaye, 2019).  One strategy to overcome the challenge is by involving the organizational management during project implementation because they are critical in the provision of appropriate resources for the project implementation.

Another barrier is poor motivation of the healthcare staff implementing the project due to lack of incentives. Healthcare quality improvement is significantly influenced by the ability to provide incentives to the stakeholders. To facilitate promote motivation among nurses, there is need to provide incentives to the healthcare providers to enhance motivation to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based practice (Bach-Mortensen, Lange & Montgomery, 2018). For this case, as part of the project implementation resources, I will ensure the organizational management sets part of the financial resources to motivate healthcare providers involved in the implementation of the change.


Bach-Mortensen, A. M., Lange, B. C., & Montgomery, P. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence-based interventions among third sector organisations: a systematic review. Implementation Science13(1), 1-19.

Shayan, S. J., Kiwanuka, F., & Nakaye, Z. (2019). Barriers associated with evidence‐based practice among nurses in low‐and middle‐income countries: A systematic review. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing16(1), 12-20Barriers And Facilitators To Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions Among Third Sector Organizations Discussion.

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