The essay should be about 1500 – 1700 words long, and follow this structure: Abs

The essay should be about 1500 – 1700 words long, and follow this structure:
Abstract/summary: about 150 words. This is NOT an introduction, but a short-version of your ENTIRE essay. This means it should repeat things in your introduction, background, discussion, and conclusion.
Introduction: about 300 words. Briefly state what the paper is about. Say why disaster risk reduction is important, introduce the risk framework. Define risk, hazard, exposure, and vulnerability; introduce the California tectonic setting and hazards; describe Bay area exposures; describe Bay Area vulnerabilities; state the risk to the Bay Area. Finish by stating that the paper aims to explore and reduce YOUR OWN risks through the 7 steps to earthquake safety. 
Background: 500 – 700 words on risk where YOU live, including the major faults of the Bay Area and their readiness; describing YOUR own neighborhood faultline (length, distance from you, last known major earthquake, maximum moment magnitude, other); describing YOUR exposures (things you value that can be harmed in an earthquake); providing an assessment of YOUR vulnerability; and a statement of YOUR risk from an earthquake.
Discussion/7 steps: about 500 words. Apply the  Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety
Links to an external site. to YOUR life. Say what the step is in one sentence, then: describe what YOU yourself have done or will do (or cant do) to address each step, as well as whether you have family, roommates, or neighbors who have/will do things to address these steps. Completing this part of the paper requires you to do things like, for instance, calling your City planning department, talk to the people you live with or near, do an inspection of your own home looking for potential hazards, and organizing supplies and documents/valuables. The text you write MUST be personalized to YOUR personal life and life situation. Simply writing up what the 7 steps are in general will not help you pass.
Illustrations/figures: You need to include at least two figures in your paper. One can be a map of the Bay Area or the place where you live, showing features such as major and minor fault lines, tectonic plates, or other. The other (or both) should show examples of steps you have taken to prepare, such as perhaps anchoring the TV, attaching furniture to the wall, or a supply of water. Please take care not to show sensitive personal information.
Conclusion: about 150 words. Summarize your paper, highlighting your key findings; include a statement on YOUR risk of harm from a major earthquake, and what you’ve done to reduce your risk; give a brief recommendation for earthquake preparedness in the Bay Area based on what your study has uncovered. (How) has this paper helped reduce YOUR risk from a major earthquake?
Reference list: List of literature used. ALL  sources used MUST be acknowledged in the text, as in for instance (Abbott 2017), and a list of all references mentioned at the end of the paper. This is not counted in the word limit. Any and all sources must be included (web pages, blogs, newspaper articles, lecture contents, readings). If you are using someone else’s words, you must include “quotation marks” and the page number it was taken from. You are required to cite at least two peer-reviewed articles, in addition to at least two news media, blogs, or magazine publications. They can be from the course material, or from other sources you find.
Please try as far as you can to be very specific about things you have done. If you will do them, be specific about how, what, when, and where.

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