For full marks, write a brief descriiption of a personal experience or observati

For full marks, write a brief descriiption of a personal experience or observation that is related to a psychological concept/theory. This could be something that has happened to you or someone you know, something you have read, a movie or TV episode that you’ve seen, or other types of observations. This section should only include your experience/observation. Do not include any psychology here.
For full marks, write a brief explanation of the theory, research, or psychological principle addressing the experience/observation described in Section 1. This section requires at least one citation from your textbook or lecture materials. Include a reference page at the end of your paper. NOTE: This section should only include a descriiption of the psychological principle. Do not include or relate it to your own experience.
For full marks, this section will include an evaluation of how well the research or theory explains your observation or experience. Include questions or thoughts that this observation has raised for you. For example, you may include open questions that either future research can address, gaps in the literature, other ways in which this research could be applied to other domains, or other questions that you had but were not answered from the book or lecture.

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