Im doing my IA internal assesment paper for MATH SL AA this is for IB. My research question is: How does listening to different genres of music impact study efficiency and retention of information?
Keep in mind this is a MATH paper so im doing statistics for that qeustion. I need data, BOTH PROCESSED AND RAW Analysis for the data and how it answers my questoin using MATH STATISTICS (probality etc) The exploration should be approximately 12-20 pages long with double line spacing, including diagrams and graphs, but excluding the bibliography. However, it is the quality of the mathematical writing that is important, not the length. For data use google sheets and where you found the data, do multiple. and process the data. 1 pt – reflection and analysis is evident throughout the exploration 1 pt – conclusion that ties in the aim of the exploration 1 pt – discussion of limitations, possible extensions, connections to other areas of math 2 pt – worked on project independently; shows evidence of your own personal approach to the topic 1 pt – sources are cited both within the paper and in a bibliography at the end to give credit to any information, data, equations, etc that are not your own 1 pt – appropriate mathematical language, notation, etc. 1 pt – clearly define key terms 1 pt – multiple forms of mathematical representation 1 pt – application of mathematics is evident and follows a logical order The Maths IA is an individual exploration of an area of mathematics, based on the student’s own work with guidance from their teacher. Mathematical communication is an important part of the IA, which should be demonstrated through both effective written communication and use of formulae, diagrams, tables, and graphs.
One page should be data proceessed and RAW and where you got the data from. The anayalsis them and USE MATH STATS to answer research questions
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