Gender/Sex/Sexuality Interview Narrative • 5 page paper (double-spaced, 12 point

Gender/Sex/Sexuality Interview Narrative
• 5 page paper (double-spaced, 12 point font )
• Interview someone (in person whenever possible) about their experiences as a gendered, sexed, and/or sexual person.
• Your interviewee can be a family member, close friend, or a complete stranger. You may conduct the interview in any language, but the final paper must be in English with translated quotations.
• Your interview should be based on inquiries into your informant’s understandings of gender/sex/sexuality and how they talk about it. Your questions should elicit the kind of ethnographic detail you have been exposed to in class so far. I specifically want you to probe into questions about life-long experiences and socialization processes. Your questions can focus on, but are not limited to, identity(ies), practice(s), and desire(s).
• Your paper should narrative the interviewee’s lived experiences, analyzing them using course material.
• To receive full credit, you must incorporate AT LEAST FIVE course readings (attached) into your analyses. You can cite films, but they do not count as a reference.
• Be sure to include reflexive references to your position in relation to your informant including a descriiption of the interview process and any significant interactions beyond the scope of your questioning.
• You should NOT turn in a transcriiption of the interview. Rather, you must condense the information gathered into a coherent narrative that tells a situated story of your informant’s sexed/gendered experience(s).
• Your final paper must include IN-TEXT CITATIONS and a BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES.

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