This is a for a political science class on international relations, and we have

This is a for a political science class on international relations, and we have to answer a few questions in paragraph form based on a news topic related to international relations from October.
1a. What is the international event assessed in this questionnaire, including the
date on which it happened?
1b. Give a brief desсrіption of the international event, including enough background
to provide context. What was the relationship between the two actors before this
2)Who are the international actors involved? What did each actor want to achieve?
(What were their interests?)
3)Describe the nature of the interaction between the actors. What choices were
available to each actor? Was their interaction cooperative, coercive (bargaining), or
both? Why did they pursue the strategy they used?
4)What were the international institutions or rules that affected (or should have
affected) how the actors interacted with each other?(ie sovereignty, anarchy..etc)
5) Sources consulted(at least 2)
Some things to note:
Actors refer to the people or countries involved. After each question is answered, the sources need to be submitted underneath the answer before moving on to the next question. And then for question 5, all of the citations need to be again added in alphabetical order.
i′ve attached an example paper from a student from the same class. Let′s keep the paper to no more than 3 pages. I can add all the sources for question 5 to save money on paying for extra pages. Thank you!

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