Case Study #2: Aspects of War
The purpose of this case study is to take any of subjects we looked at after the bargaining model of war, and examine the findings of the research we looked at against a conflict of your choosing. For example, you may be interested in drugs and war, so you would take our reading assignments from that section, choose a conflict from some point in history, and determine whether the events during that war reinforce our understanding of how drugs are used in conflict or if we need to revise our conclusions. Since our aspects of war section was a bit more open ended, and included a lot of research areas that are relatively new, do not be afraid of criticizing the reading assignments’ arguments.
General Directions:
1. You will need to use peer-reviewed articles/books from academic fields (and reputable publishers) that you can find on either Google Scholar or through the university library’s Engine Orange search. You should avoid generic websites—such as or—they have no content curation and are generally just bad. I’m happy to help you find sources if you are having trouble.
2. Every source you use should be cited in text (author last name, publication year) at the end of the sentence you use the information and included in a works cited/references page attached to the end of the case study.
3.Length generally should be 2-3 pages minimum, double spaced. There is no maximum length but please don’t go overboard. I care more about coverage and completeness rather than meeting a length.
Guiding Questions:
1. In the first paragraph or two, introduce me to the case you chose. For the case itself try to answer these questions:
2. What was the basic background of the war related to the topic you chose?
3. Given the readings assigned for the week you picked, how well do our explanations for that phenomenon explain or help us understand what went on during your war?
4. If we need to rethink our understanding, what do we need to change?
5. What might your conflict tell us that is new or unrecognized in the literature you read?
It’s ok if this case is a little more free-form or loose than the previous one. Since you’re dealing with cutting edge research, you don’t need to worry about being as exact. I just need to see that you tried to match our findings with your real case and observed where our theories do well or do poorly.
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