Use of Regression Analysis in Clinical Practice Essay Discussion

Use of Regression Analysis in Clinical Practice Essay Discussion

201WK7DQ: Use of Regression Analysis in Clinical Practice

What are the goals and purposes of the research study that the article describes?

De Groot et al. (2020) is a journal article that presents the results of a study presenting the experiences of nursing staff with the use of electronic health records and standardized terminologies. In fact, the study had three goals. First, exploring the standardized terminologies used by nursing staff in electronic health records. Second, exploring to what extent nursing staff feel supported by the use of electronic health records. Third, examining whether the extent to which nursing staff feel supported by the use of electronic health records is associated with the standardized terminologies used in the records (De Groot et al., 2020) Use of Regression Analysis in Clinical Practice Essay Discussion.

How is linear or logistic regression used in the study?

Multiple linear regression analyses is used to examine the association between the extent to which nursing staff felt supported by the electronic health records and the use of specific standardized terminologies (De Groot et al., 2020).

What are the results of its use?

The multiple linear regression analyses reveals that there is no association between the extent of the perceived support provided by the electronic health records and the use of specific standardized terminologies (De Groot et al., 2020).

What other quantitative and statistical methods could be used to address the research issue discussed in the article?

Regression analysis is appropriate for the research issue as it estimates the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. In fact, it assesses the strength of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables while modeling the future relationship between the variables. Other than linear regression analysis that is applied in the study, nonlinear regression analysis can also be used. A linear regression analysis follows the form of presenting a parameter or constant multiplied by the independent variable(s) with the equation summing up the terms to present a linear model. In contrast, a non-linear regression is an alternative that fits the data to a model that is expressed as a curved (nonlinear) mathematical function thereby providing a more flexible curve fitting functionality (Ali & Younas, 2021).

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study?

That study collects primary data from engaging participants. This ensures that the data is reliable as it is objective and collected directly from the original source. This gives up-to-date information about the research topic. On the other hand, the data is collected through an online survey that presents two methodological limitations. First, the study population to which the survey is distributed cannot be described. Second, participants who have biases may select themselves into the study. These two limitations make it difficult to generalized the research results to a meaningful sample of nursing staff (Andrade, 2020).

Explain potential remedies to address the weaknesses that you identified for the research article that you selected.

A potential remedy is to delivery the survey by hand. This would ensure that the sample and population can be described with the sample being a representative of the population of interest (Andrade, 2020).

Analyze the importance of this study to evidence-based practice, the nursing profession, or society.

De Groot et al. (2020) is important for informing better electronic health records designs. If implemented, the recommendations from the study would improve the user-friendliness of electronic health records Use of Regression Analysis in Clinical Practice Essay Discussion.

Review the articles in this week’s Learning Resources and evaluate their use of linear regression. Select one article that interests you to examine more closely in this Discussion.
Critically analyze the article that you selected and consider the strengths and weaknesses described.
Reflect on potential remedies to address these weaknesses, and how the findings from this study may contribute to evidence-based practice, the field of nursing, or society in general.
By Day 3 of Week 7
Post a brief description of the article that you selected, providing its correct APA citation. Critically analyze the article by addressing the following questions:

What are the goals and purposes of the research study that the article describes?
How is linear or logistic regression used in the study? What are the results of its use?
What other quantitative and statistical methods could be used to address the research issue discussed in the article?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study?
Then, explain potential remedies to address the weaknesses that you identified for the research article that you selected. Analyze the importance of this study to evidence-based practice, the nursing profession, or society. Be specific and provide examples.
Article to critique
De Groot, K., De Veer, A.J.E., Paans, W., & Francke, A.L. (2020)
Use of electronic health records and standardized terminologies: A nationwide survey of nursing staff experiences,
International Journal of Nursing Studies,
Volume 104,
ISSN 0020-7489,
Abstract: Background
Nursing documentation could improve the quality of nursing care by being an important source of information about patients’ needs and nursing interventions. Standardized terminologies (e.g. NANDA International and the Omaha System) are expected to enhance the accuracy of nursing documentation. However, it remains unclear whether nursing staff actually feel supported in providing nursing care by the use of electronic health records that include standardized terminologies.
a. To explore which standardized terminologies are being used by nursing staff in electronic health records. b. To explore to what extent they feel supported by the use of electronic health records. c. To examine whether the extent to which nursing staff feel supported is associated with the standardized terminologies that they use in electronic health records.
Cross-sectional survey design.
Setting and participants
A representative sample of 667 Dutch registered nurses and certified nursing assistants working with electronic health records. The respondents were working in hospitals, mental health care, home care or nursing homes.
A web-based questionnaire was used. Descriptive statistics were performed to explore which standardized terminologies were used by nursing staff, and to explore the extent to which nursing staff felt supported by the use of electronic health records. Multiple linear regression analyses examined the association between the extent of the perceived support provided by electronic health records and the use of specific standardized terminologies Use of Regression Analysis in Clinical Practice Essay Discussion.
Only half of the respondents used standardized terminologies in their electronic health records. In general, nursing staff felt most supported by the use of electronic health records in their nursing activities during the provision of care. Nursing staff were often not positive about whether the nursing information in the electronic health records was complete, relevant and accurate, and whether the electronic health records were user-friendly. No association was found between the extent to which nursing staff felt supported by the electronic health records and the use of specific standardized terminologies.

More user-friendly designs for electronic health records should be developed. The poor user-friendliness of electronic health records and the variety of ways in which software developers have integrated standardized terminologies might explain why these terminologies had less of an impact on the extent to which nursing staff felt supported by the use of electronic health records.
Keywords: Electronic health records; Nurses; Nursing documentation; Standardized nursing terminology
Sample article
1) Coughlan M, Cronin P, & Ryan F. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: quantitative research. British Journal of Nursing, 16(11), 658–663. 10.12968/bjon.2007.16.11.23681
2) Ryan F, Coughlan M, & Cronin P. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 2: qualitative research. British Journal of Nursing, 16(12), 738–744. 10.12968/bjon.2007.16.12.23726


Ali, P., & Younas, A. (2021). Understanding and interpreting regression analysis. Evidence-Based Nursing, 24(4), 116-118.

Andrade, C. (2020). The Limitations of Online Survey. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 42(6), 575-576. 10.1177/0253717620957496

De Groot, K., De Veer, A. J. E., Paans, W., & Francke, A. L. (2020). Use of electronic health records and standardized terminologies: A nationwide survey of nursing staff experiences. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 104, 103523. 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103523 Use of Regression Analysis in Clinical Practice Essay Discussion

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