Choose a theoretical mission for a vehicle type (aircraft, launch vehicle, spacecraft) that is different from your project. Prepare a report that does the following:
Propose at least three concepts that could work for this mission. These concepts do not necessarily have to be feasible, but must be plausible. The more creative, the better!
Select the concept you believe has the best chance of success, and describe why you have made this selection
Describe how you would mathematically represent the concept
Discuss the main trends in the design space that is constructed using your mathematical representation
Identify a method for sizing this concept
Choose performance metrics for your design (minimum 3). For each metric, propose an existing model/tool, or a mathematical model from a textbook or other reference that you believe would be appropriate to model performance, or propose a qualitative way of evaluating performance if a quantitative method is not available.
Describe the main tradeoffs in your concept and how they might affect the design process. Describe how you would quantify these tradeoffs using trade studies.
Discuss how optimization can or should be a part of your sizing loop. A valid conclusion is that optimization should not be a part of your sizing loop, but you must justify why this is the case
Speculate as to what would happen if you implemented your proposed process. Would you obtain a properly sized design? What would be challenging? Which discipline model is the slowest?
The report should be long enough to address all of these points to the extent you feel relevant, however insufficient discussion will not receive full credit.
Note that this assignment does not ask for any mathematics or analysis, merely discussion and supposition. The goal is to demonstrate your knowledge of course material. Application of this knowledge is reserved for your team project.
Your report is to be your own work and should be distinct from other members of your design team.
You can use ChatGPT/GenerativeAI to assist you, but not in place of your own work. If you use these tools, you also must provide a disclaimer that you used them, describe exactly how you used them, and provide a brief description of why you felt the tool was necessary. If you use GenAI to write for you on any assignment 1) without providing this statement or 2) to a degree I deem excessive, you will receive a 0 on the assignment for the first violation. The second violation will be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee, and a third violation will jeopardize your ability to receive credit for the course.
GenAI should not be used as a source of information—you must use original sources. Wikipedia is acceptable, but should be validated with a primary source whenever possible. Indicate in your report any pieces of information taken from Wikipedia that you were unable to verify from an additional source.
My project is about Hybrid rocket. You could anything else other than hybrid rocket
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