1 Title: The title of your essay should be the question you posed in step 1 of

1 Title: The title of your essay should be the question you posed in step 1 of your Applied Ethics assignment.

2 Introductory paragraph. (If this starts to get long, break it into multiple paragraphs as appropriate)
A Your introductory paragraph should set the stage for thinking through this issue.
B Explain what the main question is.
C Explain why this is an important question to answer.
D Explain why this question is important to you.
E If necessary, include any relevant background information.
F The issue or problem should be clearly explained, with enough detail that it’s easy for the average person to understand and nothing important is left out.
G If you use material you gained from another source, cite the source (using a link is fine).

3 “Options for acting” paragraph. (If this starts to get long, break it into multiple paragraphs as appropriate)
A Include a paragraph that explains the options for acting for this particular moral problem (you listed these in step 5 of the Applied Ethics assignment).
B Include the arguments that people make for each of these options (you listed these in step 7 of the Applied Ethics assignment).
C If you use material you gained from another source, cite the source (using a link is fine).

4 “Evaluate alternative actions” paragraph. Using the Big Three normative ethical theories, decide which option for action would be best according to each theory. Answer the following questions (If this starts to get long, break it into multiple paragraphs as appropriate):
A Utilitarianism: Which option will produce the most good and do the least harm for as many stakeholders as possible?
B Deontology: Which option best respects the dignity of all who have a stake? Use the two basic formulations of the categorical imperative to test this.
C Virtue: Which option leads me to act as the sort of person I want to be?
D Optional: Use any other normative ethical framework to evaluate the options.
E If you use material you gained from another source, cite the source (using a link is fine).

5 “Decide” paragraph. This is where you tell me what you think about this particular moral issue, and why. Make sure you address the following questions:
A Which option for action is the most ethical?
B Which normative ethical theory did you use to make this decision, and why?
C Why is it the most ethical? How did you come to this conclusion? Make sure you address how this affects the various stakeholders. You should use philosophical thinking as much as possible to defend your answer. Philosophical thinking:
I Uses logic to break arguments down into component parts
II Focuses on premises that are values
III Uses argument by analogy to defend or refute premises
IV Seeks to be morally coherent.
V As necessary, use the facts you discovered in step 4 to defend your position.
D If you use material you gained from another source, cite the source (using a link is fine).

6 “Defend” paragraph. This is where you need to defend your position in the previous paragraph against the strongest argument against you. You need to address all of the following:
A State the strongest argument you can think of against your position. What is the strongest argument by someone who would disagree with you?
B Rebut that argument (explain why that argument is wrong) using philosophical thinking. Philosophical thinking:
I Uses logic to break arguments down into component parts
II Focuses on premises that are values
III Uses argument by analogy to defend or refute premises
IV Seeks to be morally coherent.
V As necessary, use the facts you discovered in step 4 to defend your position.
C If you use material you gained from another source, cite the source (using a link is fine).

7 “Reflect” paragraph. Reflect and conclude your essay by thinking about and addressing the following questions:
A What have you learned from thinking through this ethical issue?
B Is there a better option for action compared to the common options that are presented in public debate? (A “third way” compared to the two either/or options that are often presented in public discourse?)
C Are there areas of agreement that we can use to build consensus on this issue? (you addressed this in step 8 of your Applied Ethics assignment)
D We live in a world where people disagree about almost every issue.
I How does what you’ve learned in this class, and in this essay-writing process, affect how you think about interacting with people who disagree with you in your family or community?
II Or, how does what you’ve learned in this class, and in this essay-writing process, affect how you think about your participation in public life, politics, and government (where people will certainly disagree with you)?

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