Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
Select and review five research articles related to the practice issue and proposed intervention of your PICOT question developed in Week 2. These articles may include quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods studies (original research), systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or meta-syntheses (synthesis), or clinical practice guidelines (CPGs).
Download the Week 5 Literature Summary Template to complete the assignment. Use of the template is required. A 10% deduction will be applied if the template is not used. See the rubric. Save the template and include your name in the file name.
Select the correct table for each of the five articles and complete the Literature Summary Template with one table for each selected article.
Follow APA grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with formal, scholarly writing.
Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.
Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric).
State the PICOT statement from Week 2, including:
Use standard PICOT format and label each element
For each article, identify the correct table and complete with the information appropriate for the type of article selected, including
Full APA reference and Chamberlain Library permalink
Methods/search strategy/systematic review of literature
Sample and participants/discussion of inclusion criteria/stakeholders and peer review
Limitations/strength of recommendations
Relevance to the identified practice issue or proposed intervention
Ensure each article meets the following
Article is published in a peer-reviewed, provider-focused journal or is a current clinical practice guideline
Publication date is current within five years
In African American adults (Population), what is the effect of Nurse practitioner-driven comprehensive clinic blood pressure management program (Intervention) in comparison to present standard care entails stationary standard care (Comparison) on Reduced target blood pressure by 20mmhg systolic (Outcome) to be completed over 6 months (Time).
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