1. Read the article, “In Defense of Teasing.”Download “In Defense of Teasing.” 2

1. Read the article, “In Defense of Teasing.”Download “In Defense of Teasing.”
2. Write a paper applying the following theories/concepts to examples in the article:
-Functionalist theoretical perspective
-Conflict theoretical perspective
-Symbolic Interactionist theoretical perspective
-Two (2) sociological concepts (terms in bold in the Ten Questions textbook)
A. Your introduction should be a brief summary of the article.
B. Then, the body of your paper should include the following:
C. Summarize/define the theories/concepts first, then explain, in detail, how they apply to specific examples in the article.
Put your theories/concepts in bold within your paper.

ASA Style Formatting:
2 pages
Font: Times New Roman, 12-point
1.25″ margins
You do not need a Title Page.
Running head – Your name (top left of all pages), and page number (top right of all pages)
If you refer to direct quotes, or paraphrase, use in-text citations in ASA StyleLinks to an external site..
You do not need a References page.

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