NAME: Seun Hi, I’m Seun, a nursing student at Seneca Polytechnic. Nanji Founda

NAME: Seun
Hi, I’m Seun, a nursing student at Seneca Polytechnic. Nanji Foundation School of Nursing
A professional portfolio is one way of developing the professional image of nursing for students. They can be used to promote the principle of lifelong learning and can be essential to maintaining competence (See College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) Competencies). Portfolios also assist in reflection and creating plans for future development. While also be used to link all parts of the nursing program: theory, learning center activities, seminars, electives and clinical. This will help students to begin to define themselves as professional nurses. The development of the portfolio begins in BSN110 and continues to grow each year, being developed, and maintained in select courses throughout the program. At the end of the program, students will have a product that demonstrates their growth. Perhaps even as supporting evidence for future job interviews – logged skills, patient populations cared for, even awards of recognition and cards of thanks.
The Professional Portfolio will be presented in electronic format and include:
• A statement that reflects the student’s philosophy of nursing
• Clear, well-defined belief statement that addresses core beliefs, is comprehensive and well-written
• A statement and a brief exploration of 4 personal value values
• Clear, comprehensive well-defined statement for each of 4 personal values
• Identify your beliefs, assumptions, and values (BAVs) related to nursing. State how your nursing history and/or personal history has impacted these views.
• Provide a brief professional history. (Feel free to include details about your personal history if they are relevant.)
• Define all four aspects of the nursing metaparadigms as you see them.
o You will develop and describe your personal definitions of the nursing Metaparadigm: Nursing, Person, Environment and Health.
o Make connections between your BAVs and your metaparadigm concept definitions.
o When discussing your BAVs and your metaparadigm concept definitions, use scholarly references and course content to support your views.
You will use your beliefs, assumptions and values and understanding of the nursing metaparadigm concepts to explain your overall philosophy of nursing.
You will provide a detailed critical example of how you think you will apply your philosophy to a future nursing client situation.
• Describe your personal philosophy of nursing using the nursing metaparadigm concepts as you understand them and explain why it is important to have a personal philosophy of nursing.
§ Explain the relationship between your personal nursing philosophy and your future nursing practice.
Summarize your main points.

• A reflection on some element of the student’s entry to nursing (what brought you to nursing?)
• Typically, you should include at least 2 relevant research articles to demonstrate your analysis of self, and your ability to connect to the course materials.
• Demonstrates insight and critical thinking related to a personal transition
• Two SMART goals focused on your upcoming clinical practice course
• Must follow SMART format
• A beginning collection of artifacts reflecting achievements relevant to nursing
• A well-developed collection, clearly linking the artifacts to the profession of nursing and what brought you to where you are today
• Each artifact should include a brief statement of its relevance
• Students are required to use to create their electronic portfolio. No other format will be marked. This is the fun part of the assignment! You are encouraged to add your own touch to your portfolio – you can use themes, digital stories, images, videos, the sky is the limit!
To complete this assignment, one week of course content is devoted to the portfolio. Students will be required to listen to the recorded mini discussions and participate in activities to assist in learning how to create your portfolio.

Submission :

– To submit your assignment, cut and paste the link to your portfolio into an MS Word document, and name your file using your last name. first name Portfolio.doc and then submit it as an assignment to the drop box on Blackboard.

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